Today children, even young children, feel they 'have to have' the latest and best electronic item that has come out! They no longer know how to play and use their imaginations! Everything is either on the computer, the Wii or TV! There are other things that our children are missing out on too!
There are 2 things that I cannot tolerate, well, actually 3! The first is to be lied to. That I will not tolerate under any circumstances! The other 2 are snobs (A snob is someone who adopts the world's view of snobbery — that some people are inherently inferior to him or her for any one of a variety of reasons, including real or supposed intellect, wealth, education, ancestry, beauty, etc.) and hypocrites (a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, esp. a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.)! Even as a child I didn't like snobs and people that were hypocrites, even though I didn't know that was what they were! You know how they say that children and animals are good judges of people? Well, that is a discernment that has continued and grown stronger to this day with me!
I was raised by loving parents who loved God and shared that love with others including my brother and me, by how they lived their lives, especially my mother. My mother was the most generous, giving, serving person I have ever known. She had a true servant's heart because what she did for others she did without expecting or wanting anything in return! She put other's needs before her own! She never was wealthy in material things but she was one of the richest people I have ever known because she was rich in love and friends! I am so thankful for God giving me the mother He did because of the lessons she taught me by not just instruction but more importantly by doing and living it!
We were taught not to judge others by what they wore, what they drove, where they lived or how much money they did or did not have! We were taught to look at the person themselves and how they treated others. We were taught to look at their heart!
Now, don't get me wrong...I like fine things too and I have some fine material things, but that is just what they are...THINGS! I have not made an idol out of them and I know where they came from. They were a blessing from my Daddy! He is my Source and Provider, and my Daddy! I believe in prosperity...I walk and live in prosperity! My EVERY need is met and so are my desires. Prosperity is not solely financial, it is in every aspect of your, family, friends, love, mentally, emotionally and finances. Not just material things!
The Word of God says "No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money." Matthew 6:24
The point of all this is to say, we have become so materialistic and lovers of money and things, that too many have lost sight of the true meaning of life! It's not about what you do or do not have, the title or name that you have, it is about the person you are, your priorities, how you treat others, what is important to you!
In order to teach our children to become loving, caring, respectful, serving adults, we first have to lead by example. We have to be sincerely loving, caring, respectful and serving. You know God does not have favorites, He does not place one person above the other! He does not care (and I can't tell you how much He doesn't care!!!) about your material, temporal things! What He cares about is how obedient you are to His Word; how you treat your brothers and sisters; how you treat strangers; what your priorities are in life; what you do with your money, which He provided for you; how you love Him; how you trust Him; how humble you are! You see God doesn't like snobs or hypocrites either and He knows you inside and out! If you find yourself always talking about "me" or "I", stop, ask your Daddy to help you and change the "me" and "I" to "You". Put other's needs first and you will find yours being met abundantly! You too will be rich like 'the richest person I have ever known' mother!

Love and Blessings,
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