Now too many of us look at that and think, "Oh, all I have to do ask for......; seek for....., etc. Well, that is true because Jesus said so, but...We also have to find out how Jesus said to pray and to whom! He said that we are to pray to the Father in His Name(Jesus' Name). The only one we are to pray to is God Almighty and the only way to get to Him is through the Name Of Jesus. We are also to pray according to the Word of God. Instead of praying, "God if it's Your will", look up in the Bible the scriptures dealing with your need! That is what and how you pray and what you stand on! That is His will!
Now look at this...Seek and you will find...How many of you know someone or someone(s) who are always looking at the bad and gloomy side of life? Who are always down, always complaining, always talking the negative, 'poor me', etc, etc? Well, what they are 'seeking' they are finding! What they are sowing they are reaping! There are some people who are great at quoting scriptures, talking 'spiritual' when around people they know love the Lord, but talking negatively all other times. They don't realize that the words they are speaking are bringing those things to pass in their lives! We all need to watch our words and thoughts. We want our fruit to be sweet, ripe and delicious...not rotten! It is the fruit of our lives that people see and it is the fruit that brings others to want to know our God and find what we have! God is love, not misery! We were created in His image! Wow, just think about that for a moment and no matter what we are going through will not seem so bad! God love us unconditionally and He is always there to help us..,All we have to do is ask Him in the Name of Jesus; believe that He is giving it to us or doing it for us, and not doubting! He loves to give us what we ask for as long as it is in accordance with His Word! This is exciting! My Daddy loves me and loves to give to me! Do you know of anyone else who is as generous, giving and loves you UNCONDITIONALLY like your Daddy and mine? I don't.
Pray for those who don't know better and help them to learn. We are all God's children and one big family!
"Ask and you will receive; Seek and you will find; Knock and it will be opened to you."
Love and Blessings,

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